‘Garbage in, Garbage out’ is the saying about how computers operate, but it’s also true of your brain. If you believe it when people say you’re old and done, you will be.
In this edition of Ask Mary Helen, she talks about changing the “input” to your brain, and how it’s the first step to changing your attitude about aging, and what you personally can do with your bonus years.
I love this concept– I”ve been taught is ‘act first’ and the feelings will follow — not working for me :(. The ‘input first’ concept though is, well, awesome!
I’m listening my way through every podcast on this site, and each has given me new energy for every day. I love Retiree Rebels– I’m so grateful for you two– you have no idea …
BUT– literal as I am, I have a triangle with four sections, and I’m only hearing three points !! What am I missing ?
This is great! I made my own “triangle” and will post to review it every day. Thanks!
I love this concept– I”ve been taught is ‘act first’ and the feelings will follow — not working for me :(. The ‘input first’ concept though is, well, awesome!
I’m listening my way through every podcast on this site, and each has given me new energy for every day. I love Retiree Rebels– I’m so grateful for you two– you have no idea …
BUT– literal as I am, I have a triangle with four sections, and I’m only hearing three points !! What am I missing ?