'Garbage in, Garbage out' is the saying about how computers operate, but it's also true of your brain. If you believe it when people say you're old and done, you will be. In this edition of Ask Mary Helen, she talks about changing the "input" to your brain, and how it's the first step to
What’s Your Adrenaline Drug? It just might cure your retirement PTSD – MHC #204
What about your work did you enjoy the most? Knowing exactly what gave you an adrenaline charge may help you manage those first rocky months of retirement. In this edition of Ask Mary Helen, she introduces us to four personality types and what about those different working styles could help
65 is only a number. Right? Then why does it mean “old”?-MHC #203
Mary Helen has hit the big age milestone of 65! Time to wish her the best.. or is it? Birthdays can be fraught with emotional overtones and societal expectations. In this Ask Mary Helen essay, our Retiree Rebel co-founder ruminates on the meaning of 65 ("No, I'm not dead yet") and how to turn
This Holiday: Don’t act your age..act your shoe size! – MHC#202
It's that time of year, isn't it. A time to remember. And Mary Helen has a suggestion of how to do that. This year, try approaching the holiday --not as the grown up age you are with all its rules and obligations-- but as your shoe size! Use that number to remember what the holiday once meant to
A Trip to Dream Camp: What do you want when you grow up? – MHC #201
What do you want when you grow up? What dreams do you still have for your life? When was the last time someone asked you what your dreams are? Mary Helen Conroy discusses the finding of dreams as important work for the nearly and newly retired. Would you like to go to Dream Camp? Hear how that is
The Rules of the Road: Traffic Signs for Life – MHC #112
Do you have a driver's license? Do you know the rules of the road? Mary Helen reflects on renewing her driver's license and what the rules say to her now in her bonus years. Safe driving, Retiree Rebels as the traffic signals become metaphors for helping us on the road to retirement. "Blinking
Don’t Forget to Remember! Our legacy of memories. – MHC #111
Mary Helen talks of the remembering we need to do in retirement to help ourselves and our families continue to understand the legacy we will leave. Using her favorite holiday of July 4th she shows how remembering can make our past take focus in telling our
Watch Your Language: Language, Mindsets and 3 words to empower your retirement right now! – MHC #110
Mary Helen suggests that in our retirement, watching our language can create a vibrant life. Keeping a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset will provide a way to view your retirement plans. Make sure to listen till the end for the 3 words that help you to create this growth